Hearing damage is irreversible, but preventable. As an employer, you are legally obliged to protect the health of your employees, and hearing damage is one of the most commonly reported occupational diseases. But how do you make sure your team works safely, even in a noisy environment?
When employees are exposed to the sounds of 80 dB (A) or more, this may cause irreparable hearing damage. This is called noise hearing loss, a hearing loss that can no longer be cured. It may sound far away, but think of a busy workplace full of heavy machinery, construction sites, or industrial environments—this is the reality for many employees.
Hearing damage caused by noise isn't just about talking louder or turning the TV up to max. It can lead to serious health problems, such as:
This also increases the risk of accidents. For example, consider employees who warning signs whether alarm systems can no longer hear—with all the consequences that entail.
Hearing damage creeps in slowly. That's why it's important to recognize the early signs:
Do you recognize one or more of these signals among your employees? Then it is time to take action.
As an employer, you have the responsibility to limit the risks of hearing damage. This starts with executing a Risk Inventory and Evaluation (RI&E), where you identify all possible sources of noise in the workplace. After that, you must take appropriate measures to address these risks. This could include technical solutions, such as the use of:
If these measures are not sufficient, you should provide personal protective equipment, such as custom-made otoplastics. These hearing protectors are specifically tailored to the employee's ear canal, so that they are optimally protected against harmful noise.
Otoplastics are hearing protectors that are perfectly tailored. Unlike standard earplugs, they offer a precise seal and can be specially adjusted to only attenuate harmful noises, while keeping speech and other important noises audible. At Seeh, we work with Hans Anders to make these otoplastics available to your team quickly and easily.
Noise at work cannot be avoided, but hearing damage can. By taking the right measures, such as the use of otoplastics, you ensure that your employees stay safe and healthy, and you comply with all Working Conditions laws and regulations.