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What does the Working Conditions Act say about an RI&E for eye and hearing protection?




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Seeh | Hans Anders Business

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What does the Working Conditions Act say about an RI&E for eye and hearing protection?

A safe working environment starts with a good risk inventory and assessment (RI&E). This document is not only a legal obligation, but also the basis for reducing health risks. Many employers focus on the risk of falls, machine safety and physical strain, but underestimate the risks for the eyes and ears. However, insufficient eye and hearing protection can lead to permanent damage and high costs.

What is an RI&E and why is it important?

A risk inventory and assessment (RI&E) is a mandatory document that records all occupational risks within a company. The Working Conditions Act requires employers to draw up an RI&E and describe the safety and health risks for employees.

Many companies lack a specific risk analysis for eye and hearing protection. This while:

  • 15% of employees in the industry experience hearing damage due to noise in the workplace.
  • 70% of welders don't wear enough eye protection, which can lead to welding eyes and long-term eye problems.
  • Prolonged screen work without appropriate measures can cause headaches, eye fatigue and neck problems.

A good RI&E doesn't just help fines from the Dutch Labour Inspectorate to prevent, but also ensures that employees can do their work safely and healthily.

What does the Working Conditions Act say about the RI&E?

according article 5 of the Working Conditions Act each employer must:

  • Have a current RI&E that lists all occupational risks.
  • Draw up an action plan with measures to minimize risks.
  • Have the RI&E tested by a certified occupational health service if there are more than 25 employees.

If eye and hearing protection is not included in the RI&E, a company does not comply with the Working Conditions Act and runs the risk of warnings, fines or liability in the event of claims for damages.

Step 1: Identify the risks for eyes and ears

The first step in the RI&E is to identify the risks. For each workplace, it is necessary to determine where there is a risk of eye injury or hearing damage.

Common risks by industry:

Step 2: Make a plan of action

Once the risks have been identified, an action plan must be drawn up. This plan specifies what measures should be taken to address the risks found.

Source approach

  • Replace noisy machines with quieter alternatives.
  • Use extraction systems for hazardous substances.

Collective measures

  • Place soundproof screens between noise sources and employees.
  • Enhance the lighting in workplaces with monitors.

Organizational measures

  • Limit exposure time to noisy machines.
  • Ensure job rotation so that employees are exposed to risks for less time.

Personal protective equipment (PPE)

If the above measures are insufficient, PBMs must be used:

  • For eyes: Safety glasses, welding goggles or screen goggles.
  • For ears: Otoplastics, earmuffs or earplugs.

Step 3: Have the RI&E tested

Companies with more than 25 employees must have their RI&E tested by a certified occupational health service. Smaller companies can make use of a recognized RI&E instrument.

Step 4: Provide information and instruction

A lot of hearing and eye damage is caused by incorrect or inconsistent use of protective equipment. Regular information is important.

  • Training courses: How do you use otoplastics correctly?
  • Toolbox meetings: Create brief and powerful awareness.
  • Manuals: Make sure employees always have access to clear instructions.

Step 5: Monitor, Evaluate, and Improve

An RI&E is not a one-off document. Check annually:

  • Are PBMs used properly?
  • Are there new risks due to new machines or working methods?
  • Do the protective equipment still meet the standards?

Frequently asked questions about the RI&E for eye and hearing protection

Is an RI&E mandatory for small companies?

Yes, every employer must have an RI&E. Small companies are allowed to use a recognized industry RI&E tool.

How often does an RI&E need to be renewed?

At least in the event of major changes, such as new machines or work processes. An annual review is recommended.

Are screen glasses mandatory under the RI&E?

According to the Working Conditions Act, an employer must reimburse screen glasses.

How do I know if my employees are wearing the right hearing protection?

Measure the noise level in the workplace and determine whether the hearing protection used offers sufficient attenuation.

Article by

Seeh | Hans Anders Business

With more than 20 years of experience, Seeh is your partner in eye and hearing protection. Together with Hans Anders, we easily help companies in the Netherlands and Belgium find customized eye and hearing protection. With our solutions, you ensure that your employees can always work safely and comfortably.

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Article by

Seeh | Hans Anders Business

With more than 20 years of experience, Seeh is your partner in eye and hearing protection. Together with Hans Anders, we easily help companies in the Netherlands and Belgium find customized eye and hearing protection. With our solutions, you ensure that your employees can always work safely and comfortably.

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