As an employer, you are responsible for the safety and health of your employees. This is described in the Working Conditions Act (Working Conditions Act).
With an RI&E (Risk Inventory and Evaluation), you identify all occupational risks within your company or organization. Risks that are visible, but also invisible risks. The goal is not only to recognize potential risks, but also to evaluate them and draw up a plan to manage them. With an RI&E, you create a work environment where the health and safety of your employees come first.
RI&E stands for Risk Inventory and Evaluation
So with an RI&E, you can see what risks there are and make a plan of action. The inventory is mandatory for every employer with at least one employee. If you do not make an RI&E, the Dutch Labour Inspectorate can fine you. Insurers can also offer less or no coverage if you don't have or haven't complied with an RI&E.
Within a company, not all risks are immediately visible. While some risks such as working with hazardous substances or lifting heavy objects are obvious, there are also subtle risks such as workload, stress and possible discrimination that are not immediately noticeable. To protect your employees against the risks, identify them all. After identifying the risks, you can start reducing or eliminating the risks. Will there be a new risk? For example, because you work with new products or in a new place? Then adjust your RI&E again. This creates the possibility to take specific measures to reduce these risks. This is how you ensure a healthy and safe workplace for all your employees with the aim: as few health complaints, absenteeism and accidents as possible.
A healthy and safe workplace increases job satisfaction and productivity.
An employer can make an RI&E himself, but also have it done by an occupational health expert. Employers can use certain tools - such as the route planner op - use to see what tools are needed. Tools include, for example prescription safety glasses whether prescription screen glasses.
Do you still have questions? Feel free to call us +31 (0) 85 065 30 56 or email us at